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What Social Worker Suggested the Dice Question for Iq Tests

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IQ Fun Pack

Kids Love This Test Prep System That Feels Like Play

Members get $100 off IQ Fun Pack and purchase it for $197

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As a parent, you want the best for your child, and that includes access to the best education available.

The unfortunate reality of today's education system is this: One test may change your child's entire future.

It may seem arbitrary and it may seem unfair, but that's how the system often works. A single test, administered over the course of a few hours, can determine whether your child gets access to the abundant resources that a gifted and talented program provides, unlocking a whole new world of potential—or that test can pigeonhole your son or daughter as a child who belongs in the "slow" group.

What if your daughter is nervous on test day and doesn't do as well as you know she can? Or what if your son simply has a bad day? As a concerned parent, what can you do to equip your child with the skills and the confidence to score to his or her highest potential—and get on track for a bright future?

Think about it this way: If you had an interview for a job at a company you held in high regard, one that could very well determine the future course of your career, would you go into that interview cold? Of course not. So why do we expect our children to do the same—and excel?

That's Where IQ Fun Pack Comes In

This complete test prep system is designed to get your children ages 3-8 ready to score their highest on gifted and talented tests and school entrance exams. Plus, the skills they'll learn in IQ Fun Pack also set a strong foundation for future school success.

Here's the best part: The IQ Fun Pack looks and feels like a game. Kids even think it's a game—but really, it's a complete skill-building system for test readiness. IQ Fun Pack includes a two-sided board game with a simple online interface, over 11,000 learning challenges to prep for 15+ different tests, flashcards and more! IQ Fun Pack makes test prep painless for parents and fun for kids. It's where education meets fun.


IQ Fun Pack also offers offline, hands-on physical play options in case you want to limit your child's online exposure.

Family Games

When you invest in IQ Fun Pack, you'll open doors to new possibilities, including prestigious gifted programs, a leading option for high-quality education. IQ Fun Pack can also prepare your children for private school entrance exams, giving your family access to top-choice schools.

Ultimately, a high test score means more options for you and your family. IQ Fun Pack can help your child get there—while having fun!

Discover How IQ Fun Pack Works

IQ Fun Pack is the secret to taking 3-to 8-year-olds beyond ABCs and 123s to gifted-style thinking, which 1) prepares them for any placement tests they may encounter as well as 2) primes them for future school success. Plus, IQ Fun Pack is centered around a fun, entertaining concept that kids love.

IQ Fun Pack develops the seven abilities every child must have to ace an intelligence test:

  1. Language
  2. Knowledge
  3. Memory
  4. Math
  5. Visual-Spatial
  6. Thinking
  7. Fine-Motor Skills

In addition to these seven abilities, IQ Fun Pack will also build your child's pre-reading, listening and focusing skills. These abilities will help him score well on any intelligence or placement test. They'll also form the foundation for excelling in school from kindergarten throughout his entire school career.

By developing these seven abilities and additional skills, IQ Fun Pack will help fast-track your child to a place where she instinctively knows what to do and how to answer the types of questions she'll be asked during a real test.

It is important to understand that the questions in the IQ Fun Pack system are all original. They are NOT the same questions your child will see on any actual assessment. However, because they do cover all of the same kinds of abilities, skills, and information children need for testing and school readiness, they prepare a child to do well on any exam.

Plus, since all of the exercises within IQ Fun Pack are designed to feel like a game, your kids will actually want to play.

As the story of IQ Fun Pack unfolds, you and your child will discover that space babies have traveled across the galaxies to study life on Earth. They are very excited about their trip and have so many questions about Earth children. To help them learn, your child has been selected for a play date with a space baby. As your child winds his way down the path, his space baby friend will ask about all kinds of things. Show him just how much Earth children know by answering all his questions. Your child will have a fun day with your space baby, then get him back to his rocket ship in time to return to his planet for dinner.

To get a preview of the games, activities, and exercises that the IQ Fun Pack contains, click the images below:

Side 1 Game Board

Side 2 Game Board

Online Interface

Offline Flashcard Play

25 Games in One

The IQ Fun Pack is designed for children ages 3-8. The games, activities, and exercises within IQ Fun Pack can help prepare your child in the following tests:

  • Admissions Assessment for Beginning Learners® (AABL®)
  • Bracken School Readiness Assessment™ (BSRA™)
  • Chicago Gifted Testing
  • Chicago Classical Testing
  • Cognitive Abilities Test® (CogAT®)
  • Common Core and State Tests
  • Houston Gifted Testing
  • Iowa Test of Basic Skills® (ITBS®)
  • Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test™ (KBIT™-2)
  • Kindergarten Readiness Test™ (KRT™)
  • Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test® (NNAT®-2)
  • NYC Gifted Testing
  • NYC Private School Testing
  • Otis-Lennon School Ability Test® (OLSAT)
  • Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales™ (RIAS™)
  • Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students™ (SAGES™)
  • Stanford Achievement Test® (SAT®-10)
  • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales®, Fifth Edition® (SB5)
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® (WISC®-IV and V)
  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™ – Fourth Edition (WPPSI –III and IV)
  • Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability™ (WNV™)
  • Woodcock-Johnson® III and IV
  • Private school admission exams

And, remember, when your children play IQ Fun Pack, they won't know they're prepping for a test—and neither will you. IQ Fun Pack is entertaining for the entire family! The game was specially created so siblings, parents, and grandparents can enjoy quality playtime together.

Karen Quinn, the Testing Mom, Shows You How to Get Started with IQ Fun Pack

Thousands of children have aced their tests by playing IQ Fun Pack. Yours can, too!

Use Coupon Code funpack99 to purchase the IQ Fun Pack for only $99!!  Limited Time Only!!

Members get $100 off IQ Fun Pack and purchase it for $197

Not yet a member?

Use IQ Fun Pack to teach your child anything! For parents who want to limit their child's online activities – IQ Fun Pack can also be played using any printed practice questions (all TestingMom's practice questions are printable), including flashcards, Brain Quest cards, or even your child's weekly spelling list!

Watch Elizabeth Alexander, founder of, teach reading, math and Spanish skills using IQ Fun Pack!  In the second video, she uses IQ Fun Pack to teach classification skills.

Read What Parents Like You Say About IQ Fun Pack

"I highly recommend IQ Fun Pack to any parent considering having their child tested for kindergarten placement. Our 4-year-old loved playing IQ Fun Pack! By playing IQ Fun Pack, she got to practice the types of questions that were asked on her placement test. She got to practice using her words to give descriptive answers. She loved using the pattern tiles and the blocks to build designs. During the test, she was able to focus on the content of the questions rather than struggling to understand what the questioner meant. For instance, prior to using IQ Fun Pack, she had never worked her way through an analogy; her test result showed that this is now one of her strongest skills! Based on her test result, she is eligible for gifted classes. We are confident that she would not have been able to demonstrate her true IQ in the testing environment without the practice in IQ Fun Pack. Thank you Testing Mom and thank you IQ Fun Pack!"

~ Gong, Los Angeles Mom

"My children enjoy the concept of helping their alien babies reach home before dinner. My 4- and 5-year-old analyze and discuss their problem-solving strategies in sentences now! The game is worth the investment for your children's language development alone. The questions will engage your child with various topics, develop critical thinking skills, and scaffold oral language skills."

~ Brenda, L.A. Mom

"My daughter loves the IQ Fun Pack. It's easy to navigate. Sophia starts the game on her own, chooses the level she wants to play and just keeps going. I love this part best because Sophia gets to think on her own and feel independent when playing. She likes the fact that she controls the game and can pick her own level of difficulty, going back and forth from "Easy" to "Hard" questions without any fear of making mistakes, even though the questions do get harder. She really enjoys being challenged by those tough questions. She laughs at the characters, loves their silly names, faces, and voices and adores the fireworks that go off when she gets a question right. She can play this game for hours, no matter what mood she is in. Often she will pick the "Hard" questions just to show those silly characters that she is smart enough to get the tricky questions right! Two of my friends recently purchased the game as well and their kids are loving it, too."

~ Nadia, Mom in Manhattan

"I wrote a while back asking for advice for looming tests (I had read your book and my mom sent us the IQ Fun Pack game), and you responded so quickly with the reassurance we were on the right track. So I wanted to let you know our son was offered a spot at Hunter next year and I do believe you should truly share in the congratulations. Without your book, lovely game and accessibility I don't know that I would have been able to relax into this whole process and let him do his thing. Thank you for letting me breathe and have fun with my child through this crazy New York City process."

~ SD, NYC Mom

"My daughter increased her IQ score by 17 points! My 5-year-old daughter was tested in October 2010 and scored below the 130 requirements for the gifted program in the public school system. My husband and I felt that her true IQ was higher and that we had not prepared her for the test. It seemed to us that she missed some questions because she did not understand what the questioner meant. We purchased the IQ Fun Pack game and played it with her a few times a week. Playing the game was a special treat for her; she loved the focused attention and the challenge of the game. She was tested again in February 2011 (this time with a different test since she was now 6-years-old). After just 4 months her score had increased by 17 points! Before IQ Fun Pack she was in the 92nd percentile, after using IQ Fun Pack she tested in the 99th percentile! Her tested IQ now surpasses the 130 requirements. We are so pleased that we purchased IQ Fun Pack. I highly recommend it to anyone considering having their child tested for school placement."

~ Melinda W., Port Orange, Florida

Watch Alyssa play other games using the IQ Fun Pack Test Prep System! There are 25+ games in one!

"We have LOVED the IQ Fun Pack! More importantly,my 6-year-old son, who is not easily entertained asks to play every day!! We are so in awe over this and so thankful we got the game! I had never done many of these types of questions with him before. At first, they took him off guard, but now he is answering like a pro!"

~ Melissa, NYC Mom

I'm a huge fan – I tell everyone in earshot to buy your book, your game and join Such a great resource! My own school uses many of your ideas and they work. They just work! The kids are getting into gifted and talented programs and it is easy. They love to play your IQ Fun Pack game, they love to work on your website, they like to do fun things. They have no clue that they are learning concepts and thinking through problems!!

~ Suzanne, Director of a Preschool

"I had bought the IQ Fun Pack with my son (3yr old) in mind and wanted to use it to prepare him for testing. When we started playing the game my daughter (5yrs old) did extremely well with all levels, to my surprise even the RED level questions. My kids wanted to play the game every day. Seeing her do so well at the game, prompted us to get her tested and apply for a charter school for highly gifted kids (Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy, Charlotte, NC) at the very last minute. We all played for maybe 3-4 weeks and she took the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale for Intelligence (WPPSI). She got a composite score of 135 which qualifies her for admissions to the school. Can't thank you enough for helping me identify me daughters talent."

~ Grace, Charlotte, NC

"We almost did not purchase the IQ Fun Pack due to the price. We were shopping for IQ games at Barnes & Noble (around $30 for a 3-D building game and for logic games) and then started to look online and found your site. I was quite taken aback by the price. My husband convinced me to buy it. He said, 'Just think of what we pay a month for preschool.' Based on Tati's results, and the things I overheard at the test site, we knew that she had not been exposed to all the things she needed to know for the test. My husband said that the game paid for itself when our younger daughter, Sasha, took the test and passed well above the gifted threshold. I was embarrassed to admit the amount of money we spent on the game until one friend pointed out that they were in the process of moving to a new house in a better school district to enable their daughter to attend the gifted program which they think is the best in the area. He said, "We are spending $300,000 to make sure our daughter gets a better education! Why would we think poorly of you for spending $297 for the same reason?"

~ Kristen, Florida Mom

"Karen, we just got done meeting with the comprehensive evaluation team at our son's school which consisted of his teachers, principal, school psychologist, social worker, nurse and gifted teacher. They went over our son's scores on the IQ test. They used the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition. I am so excited to report that he scored a 143 which they stated placed him in the 99.8 percentile! Needless to say…he qualified for gifted! He is now eligible to transfer to a special gifted citywide school. Now that he has been placed into the gifted program…they stated he will never again be re-tested and he will receive these services until 12th grade! The possibilities for him are endless! Thank you for your game. It helped to prepare our son for one of the most important tests of his life!"

~ Florintina, Manhattan Mom

"We spoke last year when I was so stressed and worried about my daughter, M's, kindergarten. I wanted to tell you that she was in the 99th percentile in both G&T testing and the ERB. You should know that we relied almost exclusively on IQ Fun Pack to prepare. The only other thing we did aside from using your game was to work with a 12-page workbook with sequential questions. That's it. Nice game you invented!"

~ Haley, NYC Mom

"I wanted to thank you very much for creating this game. I played it with my daughter over the past 12 months (and she loves it) and we managed to get her test scores increased by 9 points — which qualified her for our first choice school! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

~ Ramji, Florida Mom

What will your child's success story be? Get started with IQ Fun Pack today:

Use Coupon Code funpack99 to purchase the IQ Fun Pack for only $99!!  Limited Time Only!!

Members get $100 off IQ Fun Pack and purchase it for $197

Not yet a member?

Frequently Asked Questions

$297 seems expensive. Why should I choose IQ Fun Pack instead of a workbook?

For your investment of $297, you get the opportunity to help open your child's world of educational possibilities. One exam can make a huge difference in your child's future and determine whether she's placed in a gifted and talented track or the "slow" group. Don't you want to send your child into that exam both prepared and confident, setting her up to score high?

IQ Fun Pack will help your child score to her potential on many entrance exams, intelligence exams, and gifted and talented exams to qualify for the best education possible. When looking at the cost to prep your child for an exam, ask yourself what a world-class education is worth to you and your family.

Additionally, IQ Fun Pack is more cost-effective than a private tutor. While it's more expensive than a workbook, what you get with IQ Fun Pack is a more comprehensive test prep that kids actually WANT to do—because it feels like a game. No more fighting over flashcards or workbook time. Your kids will enjoy their time with IQ Fun Pack, making test prep easy, hassle-free and effective.

How can I save $100 on IQ Fun Pack with a yearly membership?

When you invest in a yearly membership to, you'll get access to a library of online resources, including our stress-free test prep and online skill-building resources. Plus, you'll get $100 off our IQ Fun Pack. With your $100 discount, you can get a yearly membership PLUS the IQ Fun Pack for just a little bit more than the IQ Fun Pack by itself.

With your yearly membership, you'll get access to:

  • Over 100,000 practice questions, online games and printables for the most popular tests from Pre-K to 8th grade.
  • Skill Building Academy for Pre-K to 8th Grade with full access to 40 top educational resources.
  • Kindergarten readiness strategies, parent resources and more.

To get the package, get your yearly membership, then purchase IQ Fun Pack to receive a $100 discount and pay only $197.00.

What skills exactly does the IQ Fun Pack prep my child for?

IQ Fun Pack develops the following skills in your children:

    • Focus and listening: How to focus, listen carefully and remember the question being asked so he can give the correct answer.
    • Language: How to respond to questions with varied and rich vocabulary versus single word answers, allowing her to earn more points when tested.
    • Computational math: How to count (by rolling the dice and moving the space baby), add and subtract.

    • Working memory and knowledge: How to listen to a "silly" password statement, repeat it exactly and then how to explain why the statement is silly (similar to tasks on the Stanford-Binet).
    • Knowledge and information: How to understand the information that is on standard tests and that children are expected to know by the time they start kindergarten – lower and upper case letters, numbers, shapes, colors, fruits, vegetables, shapes, farm animals, zoo animals, and much more.
    • Patterning: How to extend patterns and recreate patterns from memory.
    • Verbal math: How to answer simple "word" math problems that require addition and subtraction.
    • Fine-motor and visual-spatial skills: How to recognize and draw shapes and symbols.
    • Classification: How to put words and visual images into categories.
    • Comparison: How to recognize and distinguish similarities and differences in language and visual images.
    • Relativity: How to understand relativity in visual images – above, below, next to, more, less, taller, shorter, lighter, heavier, bigger, smaller, inside, outside, higher, lower, and much more.
    • Vocabulary: How to talk about vocabulary words and what they mean.
    • Categorizing: How to articulate why things belong together and why they don't.
    • Matching: How to recreate designs using pattern tiles and tangram pieces – a task on several IQ tests.
    • Spatial Reasoning: How to work with visual-spatial reasoning problems using figural images.
    • Thinking: Using deductive reasoning skills to answer "word" problems.
    • Comprehension: How to demonstrate through language the basic comprehension of the world that a young child should have.
    • Pre-Reading: How to articulate a story with a beginning, middle and end, letter identification, letter sounds, word parts, rhyming, and more.
    • Sequencing: How to put pictures into sequences and patterns.
    • Analogies: How to handle "matrix" analogy questions, which are found on most intelligence assessments.
  • Part/whole relationships and memory: How to recognize what is missing from and what is wrong with a visual image.
  • Test Stamina: How to sit and focus for a long period of time – something your child will have to do when tested.
  • And much, much more! IQ Fun Pack covers lots of ground—in fun ways for your child!

By working on these skills, IQ Fun Pack both prepares your child to score high on their exams and it also forms the foundation for school success from Kindergarten throughout their careers.

Plus, IQ Fun Pack does all this while your kids play what feels like a game to them.

What if my child doesn't have any of these skills yet?

Don't worry! That's what IQ Fun Pack is for. It will your child build up to these skills.

The questions and activities your child will work with using the IQ Fun Pack system come in 3 levels – EASY, MEDIUM and HARD. EASY questions are for kids age 3. MEDIUM questions are for 4-year-olds. HARD questions are for children ages 5-7. This is just a guideline, however. Some younger kids are ahead in certain skills, while older kids still need to build up particular abilities.

The first time you play, you might want to start with MEDIUM questions. If these are too easy, try HARD the next time. You will probably find that your child will use a mixture of levels. He may be able to handle HARD vocabulary-type questions but will need to work with EASY math questions. You'll get a feel for the "right" level for different skills and activities as you play the game a few times. Playing the game will quickly show you your child's strengths and weaknesses. The important point is that your child can (and will) work his way from super easy questions to the very hardest ones.

My preschool director told us not to prepare, that the tester would know and our child would be disqualified!

Don't worry! With IQ Fun Pack, children are never exposed to actual questions or activities from any test. IQ Fun Pack is just like any home-based educational activity a parent would normally do with her child. Our learning material is similar to what you might find with BrainQuest™ cards, Mighty Mind games, lessons at Kumon or educational games and workbooks you'll find at your local bookstore.

IQ Fun Pack focuses on activities and questions that are similar to a particular test your child may take. By using IQ Fun Pack, your child will build familiarity with the types of questions and the skills needed to answer them correctly. However, the questions used in IQ Fun Pack are different in look, feel and content from materials an actual tester will use.

For example, after playing IQ Fun Pack, your child won't be thrown off by when asked to solve a figural matrix or serial reasoning question for the very first time in a testing situation where results really matter. Instead, he will have mastered the underlying skills needed to handle that type of question or task through IQ Fun Pack, and he will be able to show what he knows when it really counts.

Is everything online? Or are their offline pieces as well?

IQ Fun Pack offers a fun, animated interface that you can run from your tablet or computer. It also offers offline, hands-on play on physical cards for parents who want to limit their child's online exposure.

At, we always recommend that parents use both our website and the game so that your kids don't get bored. We've designed both to be so much fun that your kids will think they're playing games with you or getting away with extra computer time.

Am I really the best person to help my child prep? Or should I get a tutor?

IQ Fun Pack will offer you guidance as you work with your child to help you maximize your effectiveness and offer you quality time that you both enjoy.

For example, when your child is answering a particular type of question or doing an activity for the first time, it may be difficult for her. If you want to reword a question or ask a different, easier question, go ahead. Offer clues, help her think or do whatever you feel she needs to correctly respond to the question or accomplish the activity. Praise her for trying and working hard. Tell her you don't expect her to know the answer to everything right away. Tell her she's doing great!

Let's say the question is, "If you had three cookies and ate one, how many would you have left?" If your child says "four," here's what not to say:

  • Are you sure?
  • Is that really what you think?
  • No, that's wrong. Try again.

A child usually gives his best answer the first time out. If he misses, you should offer a bit of help. Say something like…

  • No, that's not it. Why don't you show me 3 fingers and we'll count it out…
  • That's close, but let's make it better. I'm going to run to the kitchen and get 3 cookies. You can eat one and we'll figure out how many are left.
  • (Assuming you're playing with another child) "Brooke seems to know the answer. Brooke, why don't you give Michael a hint?" When little children are playing, they love to give each other hints when one has the answer and the other doesn't.

You can also use the "fill in the blank technique." Let's say the question is, "What does a cow say?" If your child answers "quack," you might say, "That's close, but we can do better. A duck says 'quack quack' but a cow says 'moo.' Let's try again. A cow says what?"

Or, just offer a hint: "No, that's not it. What a cow says rhymes with 'Boo.' What do you think a cow says that rhymes with 'Boo?'"

Or, start the answer and let your child finish it. "No, that's not it. A cow says, 'Mmm.' What does a cow say?"

The goal of playing this is for your child to learn and have fun and feel like a winner. As long as your daughter has practiced, learned how to think through and respond to the types of questions she'll get when tested, she will do her very best when it matters.


Return Policy:
Please open shipment upon receipt and contact us immediately if there is an issue with your order. There is a 7-day return policy for the IQ Fun Pack if it is returned in a perfect, uncut, resalable condition.  The IQ Fun Pack must be returned (at the customer's expense) within 7 days of receipt for a full refund.

Please return your IQ Fun Pack To:

5900 South Lake Forest Drive, Suite # 300, McKinney, TX 75070


Bracken School Readiness Assessment™ (BSRA™); Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test™, Second Edition™ (KBIT-2™); NNAT-2® and Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test®; Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices™; OLSAT® – Otis-Lennon School Ability Test®, Eighth Edition®; Standard Achievement Test – 10th Edition; Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® — Fourth Edition (WISC®-IV); Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® — Fifth Edition (WISC®-V)Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability™ (WNV™); Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™ – Third Edition (WPPSI™ – III); and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™ – Fourth Edition (WPPSI™ – IV) are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Pearson Education, Inc or its affiliate(s), or their licensors. is not affiliated with nor related to Pearson Education, Inc or its affiliates ("Pearson"). Pearson does not sponsor or endorse any product, nor have products or services been reviewed, certified, or approved by Pearson.

Cognitive Abilities Test® (CogAT®) Forms 6 and 7; Iowa Tests of Basic Skills® (ITBS® and IOWA®); Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales®, Fifth Edition® (SB5®); and Woodcock-Johnson® Tests of Achievement® (W-J-III®) are registered trademarks of Riverside Publishing, a Houghton Mifflin Company, or their affiliate(s), or their licensors. is not affiliated with nor related to Houghton Mifflin Company or its affiliates ("Houghton Mifflin"). Houghton Mifflin does not sponsor or endorse any product, nor have products or services been reviewed, certified, or approved by Houghton Mifflin.

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales® (RIAS®) is a registered trademark of PAR, Inc. or its affiliate(s), or their licensors. is not affiliated with nor related to PAR, Inc. or its affiliates ("PAR"). PAR does not sponsor or endorse any product, nor have products or services been reviewed, certified, or approved by PAR.

AABL® – Admissions Assessment for Beginning Learners® is a registered trademark of the Educational Resource Bureau (ERB) or their affiliate(s), or their licensors. is not affiliated with nor related to the Educational Resource Bureau (ERB) or their affiliates ("ERB"). ERB does not sponsor or endorse any product, nor have products or services been reviewed, certified, or approved by ERB.

Kindergarten Readiness Test (KRT) is a registered trademark of The University of Minnesota and Reflection Science LLC or their affiliate(s), or their licensors. The University of Minnesota and Reflection Science LLC does not sponsor or endorse any product, nor have products or services been reviewed, certified, or approved by The University of Minnesota and Reflection Science LLC.

All trademarks referring to specific test providers are used by for nominative purposes only and such trademarks are solely the property of their respective owners.

What Social Worker Suggested the Dice Question for Iq Tests
